AI-Empowered Wallet Protection: Integrating Wallet Checker into the AgentLayer Ecosystem

3 min readApr 3, 2024


As the Web3 ecosystem continues to expand, the security of digital assets has become a paramount concern for users and developers alike. The advent of smart contracts and decentralized finance (DeFi) has introduced new dimensions of complexity and vulnerability into the digital landscape. In this context, the recent developments in AI-driven security solutions, such as the Wallet Checker AI, and the AgentLayer platform, offer a glimmer of hope for enhanced protection and auditing of smart wallets.

The Wallet Checker AI is an innovative tool designed to provide comprehensive security checks for Web3 wallets. It leverages advanced AI algorithms to scan and identify potential vulnerabilities in wallet codes, ensuring that users’ digital assets are safeguarded from potential threats. By integrating Wallet Checker AI with AgentLayer, a decentralized network for autonomous AI agents, a new chapter in smart wallet protection is unfolding, one that harnesses the power of AI to create a more secure and reliable Web3 environment.

Wallet Checker:A security-focused AI that scans wallets for vulnerabilities and provides recommendations for improving security

The AgentLayer platform, as detailed in the paper “Combining Fine-Tuning and LLM-based Agents for Intuitive Smart Contract Auditing with Justifications,” introduces TrustLLM, a framework that combines fine-tuning with large language models (LLMs) to perform intuitive smart contract auditing. TrustLLM employs a two-stage fine-tuning approach, first using a Detector model to make decisions on potential vulnerabilities and then a Reasoner model to generate explanations for these vulnerabilities. This is further enhanced by the introduction of LLM-based agents, Ranker and Critic, which iteratively select and debate the most suitable cause of vulnerability.

The integration of Wallet Checker AI with AgentLayer’s TrustLLM framework could potentially revolutionize the way smart wallets are protected and audited. By leveraging the fine-tuning capabilities and the intuitive decision-making process of TrustLLM, Wallet Checker AI could provide more accurate and detailed security assessments for Web3 wallets. The ability to not only detect vulnerabilities but also provide justifications for them adds a layer of transparency and trustworthiness to the security measures in place.

Furthermore, the collaboration between Wallet Checker AI and AgentLayer could lead to the development of new AI agents specifically tailored for wallet security. These agents could be trained to recognize patterns and anomalies in wallet transactions, providing real-time alerts to users and developers. This proactive approach to security could significantly reduce the risk of hacks and exploits, thereby fostering greater confidence in the Web3 ecosystem.

The combination of Wallet Checker AI’s security checks with AgentLayer’s TrustLLM framework also opens up possibilities for automated and continuous auditing of smart wallets. By utilizing the power of AI to continuously monitor and assess wallet security, the need for manual audits could be greatly reduced, leading to more efficient and cost-effective security practices.

In conclusion, the integration of Wallet Checker AI with AgentLayer represents a significant step forward in the protection of Web3 wallets. By harnessing the capabilities of AI and blockchain technology, this collaboration has the potential to create a more secure, transparent, and reliable environment for managing digital assets. As the Web3 ecosystem continues to evolve, the need for such innovative security solutions will only grow, making the partnership between Wallet Checker AI and AgentLayer a crucial development in the world of decentralized finance.

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